Aztertu Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Ingurumen Hezkuntzak sustatzen duen egitasmoa da, eta beronen barruko atal bat da Ibaialde. Programa honek ibai-ekosistemak aztertzeko aukera eskaintzen die ikasleei eta aurten, eguraldi ederrak lagunduta, DBH 1. mailako ikasleak joan dira Usansoloko Lekubaso errekako ura aztertzera. Gelan ekosistemak zer diren ikasten dute eta horrelako ikerketa lanak egitea beti da aberasgarria, bai ikasleentzat, baita irakasleentzat ere. Eta nola ez, ederto pasatu dute!
Aztertu is an Environmental Education programme of the Basque Government, and Ibaialde is a part of this programme. This programme provides pupils with the opportunity to explore a river’s ecosystem, and this year our 1st Form pupils, accompanied by beautiful weather, went to Usansolo to study the ecosystem of the River Lekubaso. The pupils learn what an ecosystem is in the classroom but it is always rewarding to do such hands-on research work, not just for the pupils but for the teachers themselves. Needless to say, they all had a great time!