Azken urteotan, Natura Eskura proiektuaren barruan, ikastola aurreko belardia gero eta beranduago mozten saiatu gara, horrela, polinizatzaileentzako beharrezkoak diren nektadun lorak hazten direla bermatzea gain, zer lore-motak ateratzen diren ikusi ahal izan dugu.
Orain arte lau orkidea espezie hazi izan dira: bata, oso arrunta, Serapias lingua; beste bat, ez hain arrunta den Ophrys apifera, hirugarrena, bitxia den Spiranthes spiralis, eta azkena, orain dela bi urte aurkitu genuen arren, aditu batek egindako argazkien arabera identifikatu arte ezagutu ez duguna, Orchis militaris. Aurten ere loratu egin da orkidea hori, eta inoiz baino ederrago dago! Eskerrak belarra mozteko ohiturak aldatu ditugula! Nahikoa da BBC-ren artikulu hau irakurtzea belarra hain maiz mozten ez denean biodibertsitateari zein onura egiten dion ulertzeko.
STOP PRESS! Beste babestutako orkide mota bat aurkitu dugu ikastola aurrean, Himantoglossum hircinum!
In the last few years as part of our Nature At Hand project we have been cutting the grass in front of the school later in the season to allow us to see what species of flowers come out and also allow our pollinators to feed on the badly-needed nectar.
So far we have seen four types of orchid, the quite common tongue orchid, Serapias lingua, the much less common bee orchid, Ophrys apifera. and and the even less common Spiranthes spiralis. And two years ago we saw another type of orchid come out. When it was in full flower we sent a picture off to an expert who soon confirmed that it was an example of the fairly rare Orchis militaris. Well, this year it has come out again, more beautiful than ever. Just as well we adopted a new policy of cutting the grass! Just read this article to see just how useful not cutting the grass so much can be for biodiversity!
STOP PRESS! Yet another rare orchid, Himantoglossum hircinum, found just in front of the ikastola!
Orchis militaris Himantoglossum hircinum Spiranthes spiralis
Orphis apifera Serapias lingua Bioaniztasuna babestu